High-Bounty Men in the Army of the Potomac

Reclaiming Their Honor

179th NY Volunteers

179th New York Volunteer Infantry: A Detailed Chronicle

Explore the Rich History of a Late War Union Regiment

Dive into the gripping narrative of the 179th New York Volunteers, a regiment that faced the harsh realities of the Civil War's final phase. Authored by Edwin P. Rutan II, If I Have Got to Go and Fight, I Am Willing is a meticulously researched labor of love that brings to light the personal experiences and trials of its members during the intense Petersburg campaign. This book, enriched with deep personal records and extensive historical analysis, offers a profound look at the military and social history of the regiment in which Rutan's great-great-grandfather served.

The 179th New York was in the first wave of the Union assault at the notorious Battle of the Crater. The book covers not only the battles in which the 179th New York engaged, but also the important aspects of the soldiers' lives outside of combat. There are chapters on the role of religious faith, the threats of disease and infection, ties with home, the 1864 election and voter fraud, prisoners of war, the court-martial of a citizen soldier, and desertion.


“Digging deeply into the personal records and papers of its members, Rutan's social history of the regiment that his great-great-grandfather served in pays rich dividends for those interested in the experiences of Civil War soldiers caught up in the last grueling year of the conflict. If I Have Got to Go and Fight, I am Willing is highly recommended for all Civil War students and historians."

Earl J. Hess

Author of Civil War Infantry Tactics: Training, Combat, and Small-Unit Effectiveness

"Ed Rutan has combined extensive research in nineteenth-century resources with twenty-first century methods to produce a unique regimental history."

Mark H. Dunkelman,

Author of Brothers One and All: Esprit de Corps in a Civil War Regiment

"Edwin Rutan's painstakingly researched

book follows the regiment's history carefully,exploring who made up the ranks and why, the challenges the men faced and in his words, "the reality of the soldier experience.... There is little romanticized here, yet Rutan demonstrates that for the 179th New York

survivors, as was true for most all Civil War veterans, their military service became the defining experience of their lives. This study provides a wealth of information and thoughtful analysis throughout."

Lesley J. Gordon

Author of A Broken Regiment: The 16th Connecticut's Civil War

"In short, this book is cutting edge. It

invigorates the genre by looking at sources that go beyond the battlefield."

Timothy J. Orr,

Civil War News

Battle of the Crater

"Explosion at the Crater"

Informational Diagram of 179th Volunteers by Edwin P. Rutan II

If I Have Got to Go and Fight, I am Willing

Stands out not just as a historical record but as a vibrant social history that connects deeply personal stories to the broader narrative of the Civil War. Utilizing a wealth of nineteenth-century documents alongside modern-day digital tools, the book presents a unique blend of historical rigor and accessible storytelling.

Featured Quotes

"Edwin Rutan has produced a labor of love... Digging deeply into personal records, Rutan's social history pays rich dividends for those interested in Civil War soldiers' experiences."

- Earl J. Hess

Driven by a passion to uncover the story... Rutan has used twenty-first-century methods to produce a unique regimental history."

- Mark H. Dunkelman

About the Author

Headshot of Edwin P. Rutan II, author of High-Bounty Men in the Army of the Potomac

Learn more about Edwin P. Rutan’s journey from a seasoned attorney to a dedicated historian and how his personal connection to the 179th New York inspired this comprehensive history. Rutan’s extensive legal and historical research skills have brought a new perspective to the often-overlooked narratives of Civil War regiments.

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